Your Fun Is Our Money.

We Are Games. Period.

We are the #1 source of digital and analog publications for video game reviews/previews/deviews.
GAMECORP is your only choice for video game promotion and distribution.


Our Services

Game Reviews

Nobody wants to make a bad game! So hire our expert review teams and we'll make sure the metacritic scores and game reviews for your project are through the roof... or else.

Lootbox Supplying

Has your game stopped raking in the dough after the 1st week? Use our lootbox & microtransaction invigoration to ensure your preteen fanbase keeps forkin' over their allowance for one more hit of that RNG goodness.

Ads & Marketing

No one can play your game, if no one knows it exists! Only by shoving an endless amount of ads into the face of your demographic, will you start to see the big sales roll in! Make the right choice, buy our ads.

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